5 question you need to ask yourself to feel motivated

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"Life is beautiful but full of surprises.''

Life is a uncertain series of incidences. We don’t know what is going to happen. When you feel low and you feel lost or very uncertain about life, then its your time to energies yourself to motivate yourself and come back with a good and positive energy. Here are 5 question that yup need to ask yourself to feel energized. 

1. Do I remember my ultimate goal?

We all set goals in our life to be focused and to work according to achieve it. Ask yourself that what is that one most important thing for you ? It can be anything, a person, wealth,health or any goal that you have set for yourself.Your current situation that is taking away your energy or it may be difficult for you to stay focused and getting away from your goal. But you should know that you still have a control on your thoughts and things. You just have to remove bad thoughts,divert your mindset with any activity you love to do and then regain your energy and come back with the power to achieve your set goal.And if you have not set any goal. Now it’s a time for you to set one for you and start chasing it with full power and energy and feel the change in your life.

2. Do I know how to make myself happy ?

We all should know that doing what makes us happy and helps us in regaining our lost energy. It can be anything like an outing,spending time with your loved ones,movie,reading,cooking,painting,dancing , etc etc.. anything that you love to do and doing what does not require in what state of mind you are.We all are different and we know how we can make our mood up. So just without giving a second thought when ever you fell like low or helpless, just leave everything and do what you love to do. This will help you in removing negative thoughts from your mind and fill it with positive ones. 

3. Are my efforts enough?

Overloading will decrease your productivity and your energy to do work. Being busy and being productive is different. Engaging yourself in different works and overloading with responsibilities will ultimately wear you off. Be engage, be active but don’t get overworked.You have only two hands, :P take work according to your limit so that your mind doesn’t feel overloaded. But every other person have different kind of work, but still in your busy schedule always take small breaks to recharge your energy. 

4. Did I have given time to myself ?

Being lonely is not a good idea, but enjoying your company is a good job to do. Go and spend time with yourself. Its actually a worth. Whenever you feel like low or out of energy, just spend sometime with you and you will definitely find the answers to every problem that is bothering you.

5. Whom to talk ?

Always try to talk to someone whenever you feel sad. Not always necessary to talk your sorrow, sometimes just talking will help you out. Sometimes it is actually important to talk about your mental well being.

Hope these suggestions help you! Share it with someone who’s feeling low and needs some motivation in life. !!

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