10 Simple Things You Can Do Today That Will Make You Happier !!

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Psycholoists have spent a lot of time studying what makes us happy (and what doesn’t). But no science can actually make you feel good when you don’t want to. So happiness is not a simple goal, but is about making progress, when it’s as elusive as ever.
There is a famous quote from HARRY POTTER
 “Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light “.
Being happy often means continually finding satisfaction, contentment, a feeling of joy, and a sense that your life is meaningful during all kinds of problems.But happiness isn’t something that just happens to you.
Everyone has the power to make small changes in our behavior, our surroundings and our relationships that can help set us on course for a happier life.
“Happiness comes from within.”  
What it means: This quote states that happiness does not come from external factors, like money, material objects, status, prestige, or perhaps even from our relationships, but from our own internal factors, like attitude, thought patterns, decision-making, and behavior.
Now the point is your happiness hinges on living in the moment instead of yearning for some future indicator of success.
Appreciating what you have right now automatically brings you into the present. It allows you to get past the dissatisfaction of wanting a bigger house or a better relationship or a better job and experience what you have right now.
10 Simple ways to Be Happy
1. Before sleeping each night, say one thing you are grateful for. (If you pray, then this can become part of your prayer as well.)

2. Take 30 seconds to breathe. This is the easiest thing you can do yourself (even when alone or with someone 😜 ) There is no easier way to make time for yourself and be grateful for your own existence than to breathe. Close your eyes. Breathe in through your nose for a count of three and out through your mouth for a count of five. Do this 5 times. Just as simple as you read. 😊
3. Get outside. Just a few minutes of fresh air can give you a fresh perspective. A 20-minute brisk walk gets the heart pumping and will decrease stress.When you work up a sweat, you release endorphins, immediately upping your happiness levels. Go ahead, get moving.

4. Get a healthy lifestyle ! When your body feels good your brain will follow.

Dairy contains tryptophan, an essential amino acid that helps create serotonin, the “happy” chemical in the brain. Milk: It not only does the body good, it does the brain good too. “Whip up a good meal.” Eating can even reduce your stress. Link to a easy healthy recipes:
(If receipe turns out tasty then it can make you happy automatically 😇)
5.Fake a smile. ðŸ˜Š Yes you heard it right 😜 — smiling may be the last thing you want to do when you’re in a sour mood, but it could help to turn that frown upside-down. Research shows faking a smile can help elevate our mood, even if we’re not genuinely into it right away. Talk about the power of suggestion. But Not always fake it but “Practice Smiling ” Of course it’s important to practice “real smiles” where you use your eye sockets. (You’ve seen fake smiles that don’t reach the person’s eyes. Try it. Smile with just your mouth. Then smile naturally; your eyes narrow. There’s a huge difference in a fake smile and a genuine smile.) A smile is also a good way to reduce some of the pain we feel in troubling circumstances .
Famous Bollywood dailogue : “Aaj … aaj ek hasi aur baant lo … aaj ek dua aur maang lo … aaj ek ansoon aur pee lo … aaj ek zindagi aur jee lo … aaj ek sapna aur dekh lo … aaj … kya pata, kal ho naa ho ”

6. Meditate: Rewire Your Brain for Happiness. You can recharge your spirit and find a little peace in a little bit of silence. Taking some time away and being alone can do wonders for your mood and outlook. Sitting down, lighting a candle and doing some deep breathing for 10 minutes are all it takes to relax your mind and body.In doing so, you get in touch with your inner-self, and invariably, you’ll get to know yourself a little better. That’s definitely a booster on the happiness scale.

7. Avoid Regrets : We all make mistakes in life–that’s part of the human condition. But with a little forethought, you can try to avoid making big mistakes. Even then, they still happen. That’s when it’s best to learn to forgive–yourself and others–because everyone else just trying to get through life the best they can, too. They’ll make mistakes, but the trick is, moving on from them.
"Make it a rule of life never to regret and never to look back. What happens can’t be changed, All you can do is pray and send blessings. That will minimize it"
8.Think positive :  No matter how bad things may seem, be grateful. Warm water on a cold day? Amazing! Cold water on a warm day? Incredible! You really are very lucky when you get right down to it. Recite a positive mantra , You can either create your own or find one online. Search for a phrase that’s going to bring meaning to you. Research shows having a mantra can help with bad feelings. Find yours!
9.Lower your expectations.It’s no secret that expectation can lead to disappointment if the bar is set too high. We’re not implying that you should set the bar low, but sometimes realistic ideas make you happier in the long run. There are perks to seeing life through a glass half full. Try looking for a silver lining in any situation. Optimists are not only more joyful, they also may live longer. That’s a lot of extra time to be happy.

10. Follow the “golden ratio” This theory, developed by positive psychologist Barbara Fredrickson, holds that for every one negative experience you have, you should have three positive ones in order to achieve happiness. Makes sense to us! 🤞😎


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