3 Important thing to learn from MAHABHARAT.

Recently I was in the event by one of the famous peace speaker Mr. Prem Rawat. He told a famous story of Mahabharata. 
According to Mahabharata that was written by Maharshi Vyas

When Draupdi was not married to Pandavas, she met Maharshi Vyas, He told her that she will become the reason behind a great war that will happen because of her. Many people will die, women will loose their husbands, mothers will loose their sons. Brothers will fight with each other and family will be divided and will result into a great devastation of lives. 

After hearing this Draupdi felt very bad that she will become reason for all this. She asked Maharshi Vyas that what she can do so that this will not happen. He replied that although what I will tell is very simple in hearing but very difficult to follow. But if you follow this, you can postponed this war. 

He replied with these 3 points :

1) Never make fun of anyone or never hurt anyone.

2) If someone hurts you, don’t get offended

3) Even if you get offended never bring the feeling of revenge in you

After listning this Draupdi smiles and said that this is very simple to follow and I will follow this. Hoping to follow all this she become confident that she will not become the reason for war.

But after many years, when she got married to Pandavas. And when in Indraprastha she make the fun of Duryodhan , the elder Kaurva. He got hurt after she told him that ‘The blind's son is also blind.’ This made Duryodhan very angry and he left the place. So she violated the first point to “Never make fun of anyone or never hurt anyone.” 

Duryodhan wants to revenge the Draupdi and then happened the “Cheer Haran”. And she also got hurt because of the act of Duryodhan. And then she make her mind to revenge Duryodhan and provoked Pandvas for the war. Hence she did all the things that Maharshi Vyas told her to not to do.

Hence all this result in the MAHABHARATA.

Moral : Now Mahabharata is not going to take place as a war between people but it is equivalent to a war that is going in our own mind now a days. So follow points which are simple to read but difficult to follow and see the change in your life. 

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