Do you ever doubt ???

We all doubt on one or more thing everyday in our life. Do you know actually doubt means ?? Doubt is a feeling of not being sure about something, especially about how good or true it is going to be. 

But question that actually arises is that why we doubt ? What I have gone through this question and found that doubt comes when there is a lack of faith. There is a famous quote which tells exactly what I think of. 

“Tell people there's an invisible man in the sky who created the universe, and the vast majority will believe you. Tell them the paint is wet, and they have to touch it to be sure.”- George Carlin

So You have a faith in God that’s why you believe and when you don’t have a faith then there comes a doubt that is it true or not. 

“Our doubts are traitors,and make us lose the good we oft might win,by fearing to attempt.” -William Shakespeare

Doubting only add insecurity,lack of faith,trust issues in our life. Here are some symptoms of doubt: 

  • Mistrust 
  • Suspect 
  • Questions 
  • Indecision 
  • Irresolution

“Doubt everything. Find your own light.” ― Buddha

So in simple words everything has a hope. In every problem or in any situation we always have opportunity to believe in ourselves by growing in faith and self-confidence and by discovering that the presence of who we are is actually depends on what is within us not dependent on anything outside. Even more, when we are into meditation and peace then the feeling is so powerful that doubt doesn't even arise. 

For positive thinking mantras read the following link. 

20 Mantras to Impulse Positive Thinking 

Remember to always: 
  • Declare your mantras powerfully 
  • Believe yourself when you say them 
  • Trust that with time, your self-thoughts will no longer hurt you, but will instead inspire you. 

You Can Overcome Anything and Life Your Best Life.

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